From Guangzhou to Munich(27)

2024-06-11 16:28:51 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 34


6月3日下午仁医医疗四人团队前往慕尼黑大学医院市中心院区拜访眼科主任Priglinger教授。慕尼黑大学医院市中心院区是由众多独立建筑组成的,众多专科都独立进行诊疗和科研工作,其中也包括眼科中心。下午5:30,所有病人和团队成员都已经离开科室,但是Priglinger教授还在办公室工作。他与我们详细讨论了与仁医医疗各合作项目的细节,包括访学项目、临床医学MD博士项目、博士后项目、客座教授项目等。Priglinger教授已当选为2025年德国眼科学会及欧洲眼科学会主席,明年对他来说将是十分忙碌又充实的一年。除了临床、科研、管理工作外,他还要组织欧洲大陆乃至全球规模最大的眼科学会年会。临别之时他特地向我们介绍了悬挂在他办公室最显眼的位置的画像:1886年至1912年间巴伐利亚王国的摄政王画像,慕尼黑大学医院眼科中心就成立于他摄政期间,多年来从10张病床的眼科诊所成长为每年治疗约 50,000 名患者,完成约 9,000 例手术,有19个亚专科门诊的欧洲最大及最知名的眼科中心之一。由于手机和移动通讯大量日常应用,眼科疾病会成为未来中国医院最大的病人需求。当今中国三甲医院应该大力发展眼科科室的学科建设和人才培养。

On the afternoon of June 3rd, the team of four from Gloryren visited Prof. Priglinger, Director of the Eye Clinic at University Hospital LMU Munich in the downtown campus. The downtown campus consists of several independent buildings. Many departments including the Eye Clinic, operate independently for diagnosis, treatment and scientific research. By 5:30 P.M, as all patients and team members had left the department, Prof. Priglinger was still working in his office. He discussed with us the details of our cooperation programs, including the visiting fellowship program, MD program, postdoctoral program, visiting professor program, etc. Prof. Priglinger has been elected as President of the German Society of Ophthalmology(DOG) and European Society of Ophthalmology(SOE) for 2025. He will have an extremely busy but fulfilling year in 2025. In addition to his clinical work, scientific research and administrative work, he will also need to organize the annual congress of the largest ophthalmology society in Europe and even in the world. When we were about to leave, he introduced the most conspicuous painting in his office. It is a portrait of the regent of Bavaria who governed the realm from 1886 to 1912 during which the Eye Clinic of University Hospital LMU Munich was founded. For centuries, this eye clinic with only 10 beds has developed into one of the largest and the most renowned ophthalmology centers in Europe that treats about 50,000 patients and performs about 9,000 surgeries yearly, and has 19 sub-speciality outpatient clinics. The treatment of ophthalmic diseases will be the largest demand for Chinese patients in the future due to the widely use of mobile phones and other electronic devices. Therefore, China should make great efforts to develop ophthalmology departments in terms of specialty construction and talent cultivation.



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