Sino-German Video Conference on Sports Medicine Specialty Construction

2023-03-22 17:17:37 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 59


3月17日中德运动医学学科建设会议在暨南大学附属第一医院成功举办。慕尼黑哈拉兴骨科医院在2007年被认证为首批国际足联卓越医疗中心,多年来被陆续认证为德国国家队冬残奥医疗中心、巴伐利亚州奥运训练基地医疗中心并与拜仁慕尼黑、德国雪联等俱乐部和组织保持长期合作关系。大会邀请到Schön Klinik国际医院集团创始院长Prof. Mayer视频连线,共同探讨中德运动医学学科建设及临床热点。Mayer教授以《德国运动医学-定义、内容、组织、实践与科研》为题做专题演讲,详细对德国运动医学的教育、学科设置、专业运动员就医流程及运动医学相关科研项目进行讲解。在德国,业余爱好者在受到运动损伤后由全科医生初诊,再被转介到骨科或运动医学专科医院,在医院运动医学门急诊进行初步诊断,再按损伤的具体部位转诊到亚专科中心由专业的运动医学专家进行进一步的诊治。如果专业运动员受伤,其队医或所属俱乐部会直接联系合作的骨科医院或治疗中心,直接到相关亚专科中心接受专家治疗。因此,医院的各亚专科运动医学专家需要保持跟各运动俱乐部、运动协会的联系,并向相关机构申请认证。接着,华侨医院副院长及其运动医学中心主任郑小飞教授高度赞誉了Mayer教授在运动员诊治的经验,同时表达了对德国严谨的运动损伤诊治流程的欣赏。期间,郑院长询问Mayer教授他认为对于专业运动员的诊治方案产出的过程中,是队医还是其管理层的意见更重要?Mayer教授表示,队医是确定最后诊治方案最重要的人,他们是运动员最信任的人,也会根据自己的专业经验为运动员选择最专业的机构给予治疗。最后,运动医学中心黄志宇博士对暨南大学运动医学中心进行了详尽的介绍,Mayer教授点评到一个这么年轻的运动医学中心能有这样的成就非常了不起,在这样的势头下,贵院的运动医学中心一定会前途无量!

The Sino-German Video Conference on Sports Medicine Specialty Construction was successfully held at the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University on March 17th. Schön Klinik Munich Harlaching was certified as one of the first FIFA Medical Centers of Excellence in 2007. And it is currently a certified Medical Center of German Paralympic Wintersports Team, an Official Medical Center for Bavarian Olympic Training Base, and long term partner of numerous clubs and organizations including FC Bayern Munich and German Ski Association. Prof. Mayer, the Founding Medical Director of Schön Klinik Munich Harlaching, was invited to give a lecture online. The topic of the meeting is the specialty construction and clinical hot topics of sports medicine in China and in Germany. Prof. Mayer gave a lecture with the title of “Sports Medicine in Germany - Definition, Content, Organization, Practice and Science” to give an overview of the sports medicine in Germany. In Germany, an amateur athlete may probably see a general practitioner first if they get a sports injury, after which they will be referred to a hospital or a center focusing on sports medicine. There, they will receive a basic diagnostics at the outpatient or emergency clinic. And then they will be sent to a specific sub-specialized center according to the type of the injury. If a professional athlete is injured, they will be sent directly to the sub-specialized center, which is contacted by their team physician. Therefore, cooperation with clubs and organizations and certification from relevant organizations are important for a hospital to treat professional athletes. Next, Prof. Zheng Xiaofei, Vice President of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University and Head of Sports Medicine Department spoke highly of Prof. Mayer’s experience in the diagnosis and treatment of athletes, and expressed his appreciation for the organized treating procedures of sports medicine in Germany. In the discussion section, Vice President Zheng asked Prof. Mayer whether the opinions of the team physicians or the management were more important in producing the treatment plan for a professional athlete. Prof. Mayer shared that the team physicians are the most important in determining the final treatment, since they are the one that athletes trust most and they could always make the best decision for athletes based on their professional experience. Finally, Dr. Huang Zhiyu, gave a detailed introduction and overview of the Sports Medicine Department. Prof. Mayer congratulates that it was impressive for such a young sports medicine center to make these achievements. With such momentum, the Sports Medicine Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University will definitely have a bright future!


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