
2025-03-28 17:48:06 广州仁医医疗 6


2月28日上午7:45,仁医医疗四人团队来到柏林夏洛特大学综合医院米特院区拜访该院神经外科主任Vajkoczy教授。教授刚结束早交班,手术前特地抽空与我们面谈。Vajkoczy教授是德国神经外科领域的顶尖专家,在学术界和临床领域都享有极高声誉。2007年,年仅38岁的他就成为德国最年轻的神经外科终身教授,接手了柏林夏洛特大学综合医院三个院区的神经外科,承担着繁重的临床、科研、教学和管理任务。他的职业生涯充满传奇色彩,求学和成长过程中始终坚持向优秀的前辈学习,他强调,寻找良师益友是医学成长过程中最关键的一环。他认为,医学不仅仅是专业技能的积累,更是长期经验、责任感和团队精神的结合。年轻医生需要尽早确立目标,通过实践不断提升自己的手术技术和临床决策能力。他本人也是这一理念的践行者。正是凭借对手术技术的极致追求、精准的临床判断和卓越的领导能力,他才能在如此年轻的年纪迅速崭露头角,并在竞争激烈的德国医学界取得今天的成就。他回顾自己早年的目标时表示,最初的重点是如何在柏林夏洛特大学综合医院站稳脚跟,并将该科打造成世界顶级的神经外科中心。如今,他已经达成了这一阶段性目标,因此将更多精力投入到神经外科的学术传承。他强调,相比于发表600篇还是800篇论文,更重要的是能培养多少优秀的年轻医生,并帮助他们进入神经外科领导层。他认为,真正的影响力并不在于个人成就,而在于如何为整个学科的发展奠定基石,让下一代的神经外科医生能够在国际舞台上占据重要位置。2024年,Vajkoczy教授已接收了一位来自山西医科大学的学生作为他的临床医学MD博士生,并已经为其准备中国国家留学基金委员会CSC奖学金的申请材料。他期待未来能够与我们进一步深化人才培养合作,帮助更多中国医生成长,让他们学成后回到自己的家乡,提升当地的医疗水平,使患者不必为了重大疾病辗转北上广等大城市寻求治疗,而能在本地就获得高质量的医疗服务。除了人才培养,Vajkoczy教授还有更远大的愿景。他希望能为神经外科创造更大的国际影响力,并计划在柏林建立一座“Brain Tower” - 一个独立的神经科学中心,将所有与神经医学相关的学科整合在同一栋大楼里,推动跨学科合作,进一步提升柏林在全球神经外科领域的学术地位。从个人成长到学科发展,再到全球医疗合作,Vajkoczy教授始终以远见卓识推动神经外科的进步。Vajkoczy教授不仅是一位卓越的外科医生,更是一位极具使命感的医学教育者。他希望通过国际合作,培养出更多能够真正改变医疗格局的新一代医生。

At 7:45 A.M. of February 28th, the team of four from Gloryren arrived at the Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Charité - University Medicine Berlin to visit Prof. Vajkoczy, Director of the Clinic for Neurosurgery. Prof. Vajkoczy just finished the morning meeting and met us briefly before operation. Prof. Vajkoczy is a leading expert in neurosurgery in Germany, enjoying a stellar reputation clinically and scientifically. In 2007, at the age of 38, he became Germany’s youngest Chair of neurosurgery, taking charge of the neurosurgery departments across three campuses of Charité - University Medicine Berlin, and then shouldering demanding responsibilities in clinical work, research, teaching, and management. Prof. Vajkoczy’s career is nothing short of legendary, Throughout his academic and professional journey, he has remained committed to learning from outstanding predecessors. He emphasizes that looking for role models is the most crucial step in the medical career. In his view, medicine is not merely the accumulation of technical skills but a combination of long-term experience, a strong sense of responsibility, and teamwork. Young doctors should set their goals early and continuously refine their surgical techniques and clinical decision-making skills through practice. This philosophy is as well firmly practiced by Prof. Vajkoczy himself. It is through his relentless pursuit of surgical excellence, precise clinical judgment, and outstanding leadership, that he has risen to prominence at an exceptionally young age, and stood out in the highly competitive medical community in Germany, achieving remarkable success. Reflecting on his early career goals, Prof. Vajkoczy stated that his initial priority was to gain a firm foothold at Charité, and to make the department into a world-class neurosurgical center. Having achieved this milestone, he is now devoting more efforts to the legacy of neurosurgery. He emphasizes that, the true measure of success is not whether one publishes 600 or 800 papers, but rather how many excellent young academic neurosurgery researchers one can promote and place them in leadership positions in Germany. In his view, real influence lies not in personal achievements but in laying the foundation for the future of the specialty, ensuring that the next generation of neurosurgeons secures a prominent place on the international stage. In 2024, Prof. Vajkoczy accepted an MD student from Shanxi Medical University, and has prepared the materials required for this student’s application for the CSC scholarship in March. He looks forward to further strengthening our collaboration in talent training, aiming to support the growth of more Chinese doctors, to enable them to return to their hometowns after completing their studies, improving local healthcare standards, and allowing patients to receive high-quality healthcare locally, rather than having to travel to mega cities like Beijing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou for treatment of serious conditions. Beyond talent training, Prof. Vajkoczy has an even broader vision. He aspires to enhance the global influence of neurosurgery, and plans to establish a “Brain Tower” in Berlin—an independent neuroscience center that will integrate all relevant specialties under one roof, which fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and further elevates Berlin's academic standing in the global neurosurgical community. From personal development to specialty advancement and global medical collaboration, Prof. Vajkoczy has consistently driven progress in neurosurgery with remarkable vision and foresight. More than just an outstanding surgeon, Prof. Vajkoczy is a dedicated medical educator with a profound sense of mission. He hopes that through international collaboration, a new generation of surgeons capable of making a true impact on the future of healthcare can be trained.
