
2025-03-07 18:19:16 广州仁医医疗 25


3月5日下午,北京积水潭医院郑州医院(郑州市中心医院)成功举办LVA手术治疗阿尔茨海默病中德研讨会。会议由医院党委书记马西文教授以全英语致欢迎辞,由郑州大学创伤与代谢研究院执行院长叶建平教授主持。神经内科、老年医学科、显微外科、检验科、病理科、影像科、麻醉科等多个相关学科团队共约80人参会,现场学术氛围浓厚。研讨会特别邀请到德国哥廷根大学医疗中心精神病学与心理治疗科主任Wiltfang教授,他围绕阿尔茨海默病的发病机制、诊断方法、疾病分期及生物标志物在早期筛查和预防性治疗中的应用进行了深入讲解。Wiltfang教授指出,阿尔茨海默病的病理变化早在症状出现前15 - 20年就已开始,主要表现为β淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)沉积和Tau蛋白异常。当前PET扫描和脑脊液(CSF)检测虽然准确,但因费用高或具有侵入性,难以在大规模筛查中推广。因此,血浆生物标志物检测因其便捷、微创、低成本的优势,成为全球研究的热点。他详细介绍了其团队自主研发的Aβ-IP-IA & Tau-IP-IA血浆检测技术,这一方法结合了免疫沉淀(IP)和高灵敏度免疫检测(IA),可精准检测Aβ1-42/1-40比值和p-Tau217水平。在临床研究中,该方法对早期阿尔茨海默病高风险个体的识别准确率高达91%,并可在症状出现15年前检测到病变。此外,研究团队提出了AT-RATIO这一全新血浆诊断指标,相较于单一生物标志物检测,该指标可进一步提高阿尔茨海默病的早期筛查精准度。Wiltfang教授强调,早期诊断对于阿尔茨海默病的干预至关重要。研究发现,在MCI阶段(轻度认知障碍)前即启动抗Aβ治疗,不仅可显著提高疗效,还能减少副作用。因此,血浆生物标志物检测不仅可以用于大规模筛查,还能为个体化治疗提供重要指导,优化抗Aβ药物的使用策略,为阿尔茨海默病的早期干预和预防性治疗带来新的可能。随后,叶建平教授全英文分享了医院认知中心的诊疗现状,并围绕脂代谢紊乱与阿尔茨海默病的关系及LVA手术治疗阿尔茨海默病的机制与疗效展开讲解。Wiltfang教授对这一研究方向表现出极大兴趣,双方研究重点高度契合,讨论热烈,会议超时20分钟仍意犹未尽,并约定未来继续深化交流,共同推动阿尔茨海默病的早期诊断与创新治疗。此次研讨会不仅促进了中德双方的深入合作,也为阿尔茨海默病的早期筛查和创新治疗提供了新思路。期待未来更多国际交流,共同推进这一全球难题的解决!

On the afternoon of March 5, the Sino-German Webinar on LVA Treating Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) was successfully held at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Zhengzhou Hospital (Zhengzhou Central Hospital).The event was officially opened with a welcome speech in English by Prof. MA Xiwen, Party Secretary of the hospital, and was chaired by Prof. YE Jianping, Executive Director of the Institute of Trauma and Metabolism at Zhengzhou University. The webinar attracted about 80 participants from multiple departments, including neurology, geriatric medicine, microsurgery, laboratory medicine, pathology, radiology, and anesthesiology, fostering a strong academic atmosphere. The webinar featured Prof. Wiltfang, Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany. He delivered an in-depth lecture on the validated core neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease, the current clinical model of AD and the CSF and blood based early and differential diagnosis of AD, with a focus on the clinical relevance of blood based preclinical diagnosis of AD in view of first preventive treatment options. Prof. Wiltfang highlighted that pathological changes in Alzheimer’s disease begin 15-20 years before clinical symptoms appear, primarily characterized by deposits of the β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) and the flame-shaped neurofibrillary tangles of the microtubule binding protein tau. Although cerebrospinal based neurochemical dementia diagnostics (CSF-NDD) and Amyloid-PET offer high diagnostic accuracy, their high cost and invasiveness limit the feasibility for large-scale screening. As a result, Blood based neurochemical dementia diagnostics (Blood-NDD) - with their advantages of convenience, minimal invasiveness, and low cost - have become a global research hotspot. Prof. Wiltfang introduced the IP-IA developed by his team, a novel assay platform combining initial robotic immunoprecipitation (IP) and second step commercially available high throughput capable immunoassay technologies (IA) to precisely measure Aβ1-42/Aβ1-40 ratio and p-Tau217 levels. Clinical studies have shown that this method can identify high-risk individuals with 91% accuracy and detect pathological changes up to 15 years before symptom onset. Additionally, his team proposed a new AT-RATIO offering a single cut-off value: Aβ1-40/1-42 * phospho-Tau217, which improves early screening accuracy compared to single-biomarker detection. Prof. Wiltfang emphasized that early diagnosis is crucial for effective intervention in Alzheimer’s disease. Research shows that initiating reducing-Aβ therapy before the Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) stage not only significantly enhances treatment efficacy but also reduces side effects. Blood plasma assays not only facilitates large-scale screening but also provides critical guidance for personalized treatment, helping optimize reducing-Aβ pharmacological strategies and offering new possibilities for early intervention and preventive therapy.Following this, Prof. YE Jianping delivered an English presentation on the hospital’s cognitive center and elaborated on the relationship between lipid metabolism disorders and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the mechanism and efficacy of LVA surgery for AD treatment. Prof. Wiltfang expressed great interest in this research direction, as both teams share highly aligned research priorities. The discussion was so engaging that the meeting extended 20 minutes beyond schedule, and both sides agreed to further strengthen future collaborations to further develop early diagnosis and innovative treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. The webianr not only deepened Sino-German collaboration but also provided new perspectives on early screening and innovative treatment strategies for Alzheimer’s disease. We look forward to more international exchanges in the future to jointly navigate this global challenge.
