2月6日清晨5:00我从无锡迎着宝石蓝的天空乘7:00飞机飞回广州。仁医医疗在这个农历初九开工了。当天中午我们在广州柏悦酒店自助餐叙。这是2025中国医疗的新一年盛大启幕。5年时间,2023年仁医医疗已成为A级纳税企业了。2月16日的深夜,我们将从广州飞到柏林,开启我们两周非比寻常的工作经历。我们将访问柏林夏洛特大学综合医院、Medical Park康复医院集团柏林分院及柏林马丁路德医院。2004年我人生第一次出国,第一次飞到了柏林,当时也是去柏林工作。21年过去了,我又一次从广州飞到柏林。人生真是无比充实,无比肥美。今生必须是最后一世。人生很短,见到你们的次数很少,但每一次相见都会让我永生难忘。因为人生珍贵。因为您们珍贵。我们来到了柏林,我们可以为了中国医院、中国医生做一些有价值的工作,这份工作甚至可以改变我们中国的医疗,这不是一份工作,这是一份美好的未来。这次开年会我对大家说:“真正好的企业不是说你有多么巨大,你赚了有多少钱,真正好的企业就是要为这个社会做贡献。”1921年中国共产党创立的时候,他们的愿景就是要全中国人民幸福。这是一个很大很大的愿望,为了这个愿望无数先辈可以流血,可以牺牲,可以视死如归。当年的中国共产党是经历了无数的挫折,无数的困难,无数的黑暗,无数的生死,经过了28年的艰苦卓绝的奋斗建立了属于我们独立自主的新中国。2024年6月来自山西医科大学的葛以洲医生硕士毕业了。2025年1月10日他从北京飞往柏林。他来到了柏林马丁路德医院。这是柏林夏洛特医科大学的教学医院。该院Petersen院长是德国膝关节学会主席。专注关节和运动医学。葛以洲医生成为了Petersen教授临床医学MD博士生了,这也是Petersen教授在中国招收的第一个临床医学MD博士生。来到了德国马丁路德医院仅仅一周时间,现在葛医生已经跟他的导师上手术了,也学习了他的许多重要课程。葛医生已经成为了导师的宠儿。在德国读博,其实导师实在是太重要了。每个中国医生到德国攻读临床医学MD博士就要完成三件事:第一,两年拿到博士文凭,第二,跟导师及团队一起发高分文章,第三,与导师上临床学习到真正的临床知识。只有这样你才可能从一个普通医生成为一个优秀的医生。未来甚至可以成为顶级医生。等你成为了优秀医生甚至是顶级医生,你就不用求任何人。你可以完成世界上任何一件困难的事情,因为只有你有价值,别人才会来求着你。你不用看任何人的眼色生存。未来70后和80后的院长只会看重人才,因为只有人才才能成就一家伟大的医院,医生才是一个国家的良知。因为70后和80后的院长是要做出一番成绩的。德国是现代医学的发源地,只有德国关键学术领袖亲自带的临床医学MD博士生才是中国三甲医院的硬通货。
At 5:00 AM on February 6th, under the sapphire-blue sky of Wuxi, I took a 7:00 AM flight back to Guangzhou. On this ninth day of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, Gloryren officially resumed operations after the holiday. That very noon, we gathered at the buffet of the Park Hyatt Guangzhou. This opened a grand new chapter of the healthcare system of China in 2025.In just five years, by 2023, Gloryren has ascended to the ranks of Class A taxpayers. And on the midnight of February 16th, we will once again take flight from Guangzhou to Berlin, to embark on an extraordinary two-week journey. We will visit Charité–University Medicine Berlin, Medical Park Berlin Humboldtmühle and Martin Luther Hospital. In 2004, I traveled abroad for the first time - to Berlin, for work. Now, 21 years later, I return once more from Guangzhou to Berlin. What an abundant, fulfilling life! You only live once. Life is short, and our meetings are few, but each one is eternally unforgettable. Because life is precious, and so are you. In Berlin, we can contribute something truly meaningful to Chinese hospitals and doctors - work that has the potential to bring changes to the China's healthcare system. This is not just a job. It is the shaping of a luminous future. At this year’s kickoff meeting, I said: “A truly great company is not defined by its size or revenue but by its contributions to society.” In 1921, when the Communist Party of China was founded, its vision was to bring happiness to the entire nation. It was a vision so profound that countless predecessors shed blood, sacrificed everything, and embraced death without hesitation. That young Party endured immeasurable hardships, traversed darkness and death, and after 28 years of arduous struggle, gave birth to a independent and self-reliant new China. In June 2024, Doctor GE Yizhou completed his master’s degree at Shanxi Medical University. On January 10th, 2025, he flew from Beijing to Berlin, arriving at Martin Luther Hospital, a teaching hospital of Charité – University Medicine Berlin. There, he joined Prof. Petersen, the former President of the German Knee Society, whose expertise lies in knee surgery. Doctor Ge is the first MD student from China under Prof. Petersen’s mentorship. It has only been a week since his arrival, yet Doctor Ge is already very active in the operating room with his mentor and has attended many courses chaired by Prof. Petersen. He has swiftly become a favored protégé. In Germany, a doctoral supervisor is of paramount importance. For every Chinese doctor pursuing a MD degree in Germany, three objectives must be met: First, to obtain the doctoral degree within two years. Second, to publish high-impact papers with their mentor and colleagues. Third, to engage in clinical practice under their mentor’s guidance and get clinical expertise. Only by accomplishing these can one evolve from an ordinary doctor into an excellent one perhaps even a top doctor in the future. And once you become excellent doctor or even a top doctor, you will never have to seek favors from anyone. You will be able to conquer any challenge the world presents, for only those of true value command respect and recognition. You will live without the need to please anyone. The hospital presidents born in 70s and 80s will prioritize talent above all else. It is because only talents make a hospital great; doctors are the reflection of the conscience of a nation. And these directors are driven by a mission - to leave behind a legacy of achievement. Germany is the birthplace of modern medicine. In China’s Grade Three Class A hospitals, only those MD degree holders trained by German key academic leaders hold true value.