
2025-01-26 18:35:13 广州仁医医疗 5


真正的现代女性,从来不需要任何人拯救,因为我们自己就有力量。2025年1月6日我们从广州到慕尼黑。从亚热带的广州飞到了寒冬腊月的慕尼黑,我们在德国最冷的一月,在大雪纷飞的慕尼黑。仁医医疗三人团队1月20日23:00深夜平安落地中国广州。在慕尼黑三家医院两周的工作,从早到晚,起早贪黑,洗澡化妆,踩着5寸高跟鞋,用非常流利的英文沟通。我们拜访了慕尼黑大学附属医院、慕尼黑工业大学附属医院、慕尼黑哈拉兴骨科医院23位关键学术领袖,他们是德国国家科学院院士、大学医院院长、各学科带头人及科研负责人。他们在中国与仁医医疗只独家合作。两周的工作我们为中国三甲医院为中国优秀医生现场办公。只要我们可以一直努力认真工作,我们在这世界上寂寞时便不寂寞,穷困时不会穷困,苦恼时有安慰,挫折时有鼓励,软弱时有督责,迷失时有南针。对一个女人来说,漂亮绝对不是稀缺资源,年龄更不是稀缺资源,你在这个世界上有价值才是稀缺资源。因为有了这份珍贵的工作,我们才有机会解决世界上任何的困难。我们可以完全不必依赖任何人。我们自已就可以为自已托底。我们绝对不允许中国的医疗行业被误解被扭曲,这需要中国有更多更好的三甲医院,更需要中国有更多充满非凡理想和远大抱负的优秀医生。只有医院好,医生好,病人的生命才有保障,中国良善的医疗体系方可建立。因为医生才是一个国家的良知。只要有真话,只要有真相,中国整个医疗行业才会有人监督。医生对这份工作才有敬畏之心。祝愿2025中国医疗盛大启幕。A true modern woman never needs to be saved by anyone, for we possess the strength within ourselves. On January 6, 2025, we flew from Guangzhou to Munich. From the subtropical warmth of Guangzhou to the bitter cold of Munich in the heart of winter, we found ourselves in Germany’s coldest month, in the midst of heavy snow in Munich. At 23:00 on January 20, the team of three of Gloryren safely landed in Guangzhou, China. After two weeks of work across three hospitals in Munich, from dawn to dusk, we spent our days working tirelessly showering, putting on makeup, walking in five-inch heels, and communicating fluently in English. We visited the University Hospital of Munich, the Klinikum Rechts der Isar of Technical University of Munich, and the Schön Klinik Munich Harlaching, meeting with 23 key academic leaders. Among them, there are members of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, university hospital directors, director of clinical departments and research labs. In China, they cooperate with Gloryren exclusively. Over the course of two weeks, we worked on-site to support Grade Three Class A hospitals and outstanding doctors in China. As long as we keep working hard earnestly, we won't be lonely when we are alone and feel impoverished when destitute. We will have solace when encountering annoyance, and inspiration when setbacks. We will feel the spur when we feel weak, and see the compass when lost. For a woman, beauty is not a scarce resource, not to mention youth. What is truly scarce is the value you bring to this world. It is through the invaluable work we do that we are able to solve any difficulty in the world. We do not need to rely on anyone. We can always provide a solid foundation for ourselves. We will never allow China's healthcare industry to be misunderstood or distorted. This requires more and better Grade Three Class A hospitals in China and more outstanding doctors with extraordinary ideals and lofty ambitions. Only when hospitals are strong, doctors are excellent, can patients' health be safeguarded, and only then can a compassionate healthcare system in China be established. That's all because doctors are the reflection of the conscience of a nation. As long as there is truth, as long as there is transparency, the entire healthcare industry in China will develop under supervision. Only then will doctors truly hold reverence for their work. Wishing for a grand beginning to China’s healthcare in 2025.
