
2024-09-14 16:34:29 广州仁医医疗 7



Foreign investors who establish wholly-owned hospitals in China often believe they can achieve financial success here. They are typically motivated solely by profit, with their primary goal being to generate revenue.Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that they will make money, let alone make significant profits.Do foreign-invested hospitals have experts? Do they uphold ethical standards? Healthcare is fundamentally an industry driven by ethics.If simple bidding of money guaranteed the success of a hospital, then anyone could start one—whether investing ten billion, fifty billion, or even a hundred billion.Investing money is not the challenge; the real difficulty lies in the fact that even with a large investment, constructing a high-rise, purchasing equipment, and setting up a hospital, you may still find that you lack sufficient patients.Without patients, you are destined to fail because the operational costs of running a hospital are extremely high.To date, I have not heard of any private hospital in China making substantial profits through its operations. Any expert in the medical field would be cautious about trying to profit from running a hospital; it is typically only outsiders without expertise who attempt it.Chinese patients consistently prefer top-tier public hospitals for their treatment, and attracting patients from future generations, such as those born in the 1990s or 2000s, will be even more challenging.You cannot use capital alone to attract patients to your hospital.If you invest money to set up a hospital but fail to attract patients, you are doomed to fail.Among the hospitals that received billions in investment in the past, which ones have had a large patient base? Most patients continue to go to public hospitals..Which hospitals have made substantial profits from building up hospitals?You can make money through the internet, finance, or other forms of capital, but significant profits from hospital operations alone remain elusive. The primary focus of China's healthcare system will always be on grassroots medical services.For centuries, China has not been characterized by widespread affluence.Ninety percent of patients are from lower-income backgrounds, and 99% of experts work in public hospitals. Without both experts and patients, how can you expect to sustain a hospital?
