Our enterprise can make the healthcare system in China better

2024-08-02 16:53:20 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 15


我们国家这么多人,这么多的病人,他们需要更好的医院,他们需要向善的医生来为他们的健康保驾护航。2018年3月我们来到北京,24小时只在饭店喝水开会确定了我们做这件有意义的工作的初心。我们经历了没有任何收入的开始;我们经历了两位员工通过恶意劳动仲裁来无情敲诈公司;我们经历了可怕的疫情,那个2月我们默默地呆在家里静静地等待疫情地退却;我们也经历了医院学科办主任、财务科负责人、人事科主任全部拉黑了我们的微信;我们更经历了某些医院和医生对我们的威胁和恐吓。但仁医医疗团队的工作就是与这个世界上最优秀的人去做有价值有挑战的事情。这份工作不是机会导向,也不是商业导向。因为我们始终坚信人才才能成就一家伟大的医院,医生才是一个国家的良知。人生所有的困境都会有转机。事缓则圆,这是小时候我的父亲一直告诉我的真理。如果没有这家公司,我的人生可以毫无意义。昨天晚上,我收到了慕尼黑大学附属医院Stief院长的来信,他可以亲自为四川大学华西医院两位优秀的医生默默付出。我想我们应该可以成为一生的朋友。这份工作让我觉得自已无比幸运,并且每天都心存感激。六年零四个月,经历了疫情,经历了千辛万苦,经历了人情冷暖,我爬了一山又一山,我过了一关又一关。我们团队翻山越岭才走到了今天, 所以这个11月16日我们可以在重庆再度重逢。这个世界上还真的是有那么多真正想为我们中国医院和优秀医生付出的人。我们始终坚信,因为我们共同的工作真的可以让中国医疗的未来可以变得更好。

The large population and patients in China need better hospitals and compassionate doctors to safeguard their health. In March 2018, we went to Beijing and had a marathon 24-hour internal meeting at a hotel, during which we had water but nothing. By the end of it, we nailed down the original intention of our meaningful enterprise. We started with no income at all. We had two former employees who initiated groundless malicious labor arbitration. We endured the terrifying pandemic, staying home in that February and quietly waiting for it to pass. We even had the directors of different admin departments of hospital all block us on WeChat, including chiefs from Dept. of Specialty Development, Dept. of Finance, and Dept of Human Resources. Plus, we’ve faced threats and intimidation from some doctors and hospital executives. However, the mission of Gloryren is to collaborate with the world's top talents to undertake challenging but valuable endeavors. This mission is neither opportunity-driven nor profit-driven. Because we believe all along that only talents can make a great hospital, and doctors are the reflection of the conscience of a nation. Every difficulty in life will eventually lead to a turning point. “Things smooth out with time.” That’s a truth my father had been telling me since I was little. If I hadn’t started this company, my life would feel pointless. Last night, I received an email from Prof. Stief, the Deputy Medical Director of the University Hospital of Munich, telling me about how he was trying to help two excellent doctors from West China Hospital of Sichuan University. I believe we could become lifelong friends. This work makes me feel incredibly lucky and grateful every day. Over the past six years and four months, I’ve faced the pandemic, endured countless hardships, and felt the ever-fluctuating interpersonal relationships due to interests. I’ve climbed one mountain after another and tackled one challenge after another. My team and I have overcome countless obstacles to get to where we are today, which makes it possible for us to meet again in Chongqing on November 16.In this world, there are indeed so many people who truly want to contribute to hospitals and excellent doctors in China. We firmly believe that our joint efforts can contribute to a better future of the healthcare system in China.


HOTLINE: 020-8928-7873 Hospital-centered and detail-oriented.
