From Guangzhou to Munich(34)

2024-07-12 15:35:10 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 8


6月5日下午2:00仁医医疗四人团队前往慕尼黑大学医院大哈登院区拜访骨科副主任Müller教授。他于2023年接收来自广州的李医生成为他的第一名临床医学MD博士,今天他告诉我们李医生博士项目进展非常顺利。有可能科研项目能获得专利。李医生即将在2025年4月毕业。Müller教授即将在9月底访问广东省中医院,并在运动医学科进行为期一周的国际客座教授工作,他将与科室主任杨伟毅教授及其团队对运动医学诊疗及科研进行深入探讨。广东省中医院运动医学科团队是华南地区较具影响力的综合性关节运动医学中心,在各种疑难关节疾病和复杂运动损伤的诊治方面开展全方位的国际交流与合作,德语区国家运动骨科与创伤外科学会前任主席、德国膝关节学会创始主席Mayr教授也曾于2019年两次到访该院担任国际客座教授工作。我们曾经是这个世界上最贫穷的国家之一,我们花了近40年的时间,才让中国成为了全球第二大经济体。三年疫情赋能中国的是医疗在全球的地位。疫情把医疗提升到了一个前所未有的位置。毕竟医疗是国际名声。拼的就是全民健康、幸福指数、疾控系统、物质储备。只有医院管理、学科建设、人才培养才是中国医院的重中之重。只有社会安定,人民幸福,身体健康,一个国家才能真正强大,才能繁荣富强。At 2:00 p.m. on June 5th, 2024, Gloryren’s team of four went to the Campus Großhadern of LMU Klinikum to visit Prof. Müller, the Deputy Director of the Orthopaedics Department. In 2023, he received his first M.D. student, Doctor Li from Guangzhou.Today he told us that everything went well with Doctor Li’s M.D. project and there is a great chance that his project can be patented. Doctor Li is estimated to graduate in April 2025.Prof. Müller will visit the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an international visiting professor at the Sports Medicine Department at the end of September.  He will have an in-depth discussion regarding the diagnosis and treatment as well as scientific research of Sports Orthopedics with Director YANG Weiyi and the department.The Sports Medicine Department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of TCM is one of the most influential comprehensive centers for joint and Sports Orthopedics in South China. The department has carried out a wide spectrum of international exchanges and cooperation on the diagnosis and treatment of various complicated cases of joint diseases and sports-related injuries. Prof. Mayr, the former president of the Society for Orthopaedic Traumatological Sports Medicine and the Founding President of the German Knee Society, also visited this hospital twice in 2019 as an international visiting professor. We used to be one of the poorest countries in the world. It took us nearly 40 years to become the second-biggest economy globally. The pandemic that tortured us for three years also made our medical power visible to the world. And the pandemic also hits us with the importance of healthcare.The medical system can represent a country to a great extent, which requires a great investment in public health, the happiness index, the disease control system, and the reserve supply. Therefore, it’s obvious that the priorities of Chinese hospitals should be hospital management, specialty construction, and talent cultivation. It is the ability to guarantee the stability of the society, the happiness of the people, and the well-being of the public that makes a truly powerful and prosperous country. 


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