
2024-05-29 10:45:08 广州仁医医疗 25


即使你是这个世界上最伟大的医生,你都无法治疗这个世界上百年之后的病人,你唯一可以做的就是培养更多更好的有良知的医生,这样你的这份工作才能够让这份伟大的事业、让你人生的大愿可以一直为治病救人延续下来。5月18日清晨,我们一路狂奔,从广州飞到了上海,德国哥廷根大学医疗中心创伤外科、骨科与整形外科主任Lehmann 教授乘坐一架全新国航的飞机抵达浦东国际机场。他是德国创伤外科学会2027年主席。欧洲骨盆教学协会主席。他才是这个世界上对中国医院和医生最好的人之一。在疫情期间,他为中国的三甲医院培养了四位临床医学MD博士。他还为他们购买了全新电脑,安排了专门办公室,设计了研究计划,安排专人带领他们开展学术研究,帮助他们在科学期刊发表文章,共同开发了专利技术,带领他们多次参加德国骨科和创伤学会年会。在疫情期间,还有多位中国医生到他们大骨科开展临床访学项目。5月20日至5月24日Lehmann教授在郑州市骨科医院展开了为期一周的客座教授访问。访问期间,教授在党委书记梅伟,副院长王迎秋、首席专家王爱国、下肢骨科I主任李兴华及创伤骨科相关科室及团队的带领下,展开了学术查房、疑难病例讨论、手术交流、科室内部研讨会、全球手术直播、大师公开课等学术交流活动,主题涵盖创伤外科各临床热点、骨科临床科研、医院及科室的管理和梯队建设等。除了临床学术交流外,Lehmann教授毫无保留地分享了他8年来管理科室的经验,他将一个边缘科室打造成医院的拳头科室之一,每年吸引超100万欧元的第三方科研经费、每年完成约6000台手术、并发症率及重伤病人院内死亡率稳定下降、连续三年上榜美国新闻周刊全球百佳骨科科室。他表示,在这周的访问中,他对郑州市骨科医院的病例数量、疑难程度感到印象深刻,这也让他深入了解到中国创伤外科发展现状、中德骨科与创伤外科学科设置及管理体系的异同。本次活动还特地邀请到AO亚太区前主席、北京积水潭医院王满宜教授参加5月24日中德创伤外科大师公开课。在课前发言中,王教授提到为期一周的学术活动周可以让双方有更深入的交流,并且高度认可郑州市骨科医院近年以国际交流促进学科建设及人才培养所做的工作。

Even if you were the greatest doctor in the world, you wouldn’t be able to treat patients a hundred years later. The only thing you can do is to train more and better doctors with a conscience. In this way, this job will allow the great endeavor and the great desire of your life to continue for the sake of patients. In the early morning of May 18th, we flew all the way from Guangzhou to Shanghai. Prof. Lehmann, Director of Trauma Surgery, Orthopaedics and Plastic Surgery at the Medical Center of the University of Göttingen, arrived at Pudong International Airport aboard a new aircraft from Air China. He is one of the kindest people in the world to Chinese hospitals and doctors. During the pandemic, he accepted four MD students for Grade Three Class A hospitals in China. He also bought new computers and set up an office for them. He designed research plans and assigned senior researchers to support their scientific activities. He helped them publish articles in scientific journals, jointly developed patented instrument and took them to attend The German Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology annually. During the pandemic, he accepted multiple Chinese surgeons as clinical fellows in Göttingen. From May 20 to 24, Prof. Lehmann visited Zhengzhou Orthopaedics Hospital for a weeklong international visiting professorship. During his visit, together by Party Secretary MEI Wei, Vice President WANG Yingqiu, chief expert WANG Aiguo, Director of Lower Limbs I LI Xinghua and teams of relevant sub-specialty in orthopedic trauma, Prof. Lehmann had in-depth exchanges via ward rounds, case discussion, surgical observation, internal seminars, global live surgery and public lecture. The topics covered the clinical hotspots of trauma surgery,research in orthopedics and trauma, hospital and department management, talent training, etc. In addition to clinical academic exchanges, Prof. Lehmann unreservedly shared his 8-year experience in managing the department. He turned a marginal department into one of the top departments in the hospital. It attracts more than 1 million euros of third-party research funding and about 6,000 surgeries are performed every year. The complication rate and the hospital lethality of polytrauma patients decrease steadily. It has ranked among the World’s Top 100 Orthopaedics Department by U.S. Newsweek for three consecutive years. During the visit this week, Prof. Lehmann was impressed by the number and difficulty of the cases in Zhengzhou Orthopedics Hospital. This also allowed him to gain deeper insights into the development of trauma surgery in China and the similarities and differences in specialty settings and management systems of orthopaedics and trauma surgery in China and Germany. Prof. WANG Manyi from Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital, the former Chairperson of AO Trauma Asia Pacific, was also invited to participate in the Sino-German Public Lecture on Trauma Surgery on May 24. In his opening remarks, Prof. Wang mentioned that the week-long academic week would contribute to deeper exchanges between both sides. He also highly acknowledged the efforts made by the hospital executives of Zhengzhou Orthopedics Hospital in promoting specialty development and talent training through international exchanges in recent years. 
